Thursday, March 3, 2011

Daily Image March,3,11

1. What I see in this image is a lady painting tiles or wood blue.

2. The colors I see are blue, grey, white and black. The shapes I see are a circle, triangle and rectangles. The lines I see are vertical, diagonal and parallel.

3. 5 Expressive words that relate to this image are amuse, appeal, enthrall, intrigue and involve.

4. The meaning of this image is that the photographer's favorite color is blue so they made the girl in the picture paint all of that blue.

5. This image uses the Rule of Thirds by it having Simplicity (Clear, uncomplicated backgrounds and Clear focus on point of interest).

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Daily Image March,1,11

1. What I see in this photo is a man standing on some tiles and holding a tile.

2. The colors I see are brown and white. The shapes I see are rectangles and squares. The lines I see are horizontal, vertical and parallel.

3. 5 Expressive words that relate to this image are clever, cool, inspired, visionary and ingenious.

4. The meaning of this image could be that the photographer was thinking of a lot of things so he/she just took a picture of multiple things at once.

5. This image uses the Rule of Thirds because it has Simplicity (Clear focus on point of interest) and Actual and Implied Lines (Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal).