Monday, January 31, 2011

Daily image, January 31,

1. What i see in this picture is an open field, a couple of houses, grass, and pipes. What is happening in this photo is that the photographer was probably thinking of nothing but an empty place so he/she can be alone and doesn't want to have problems.

2. The colors i see are white, blue, brown, cranberry, green, red, and black. The shapes i see are rectangles, squares, ovals and the lines i see are vertical, horizontal and diagonal.

3. 5 Expressive words that relate to this image are ALONE, DESERTED, REJECTED, FORSAKEN, and NEGLECTED.

4.The meaning of this photo is that the photographer is probably abandoned or poor when he/she was younger.

5. This image uses the Rule of Thirds because it uses actual and implied lines (Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal) and imaginary grid with money spots.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Technique's essay

Catherine Cruz

Digital Photography

There are different techniques in Digital Photography that will let you take great pictures, such as Filling your Frame, also using the Rule of 3rds and most definitely getting your backgrounds right.

The first technique is filling your frame; the shots can become more alive. To make it more alive it should be an action photo to make it more interesting. Another thing is that when you’re taking that photo; take a photo of part of the person, not everything. You can increase the size of the pixels in your shots when it can leave you with a grainy impact.

The second technique is rule of thirds; take well-balanced and interesting shots. You can imagine breaking down an image into thirds (horizontal &/ or vertical). When your going to take a photo, place points of interest in as you frame your image to see where the thing or object falls in. When you take a picture make sure that theirs an object or person that falls in the rule of thirds because that’s where people usually look to find what interests them.
The third technique is getting backgrounds right; you can move your angle to get the backgrounds right. When your also taking a photo and you don’t like the background, you can use Aperture to blur the background. Another thing is that if you don’t like the background you can put something in front of it instead of blurring the background and making people think very hard to see what they blurred it. You can also use a lens with a long focal length to blur your photo.
If you use these three techniques that I used then your picture should be fantastic.